WellBitten Wellness Tip: How much Caffeine is in your Coffee

Who doesn’t love some pin-able bites of inspiration? Introducing WellBitten–a daily series full of fit tips, motivational thoughts and healthy eating ideas for head-to-toe wellness. Think of it as a post-it from BSW to keep you moving, eating right and feeling WellBitten!



Do you drink caffeinated drinks? Which one is your pick?

photo credit: “The Wanderer’s Eye” via photopin cc


  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    I need to drink caffeine EVERY day or else I won’t function to my max ability! I don’t drink the healthiest kind of caffeine though and I am embarrassed to admit that because I do live a VERY healthy lifestyle! I would recommend people drink black coffee and/or tea to get their caffeine. Do not rely on energy drinks (especially the ones FULL of sugar) or pills! Those quick fixes will get you no where, except an energy ditch later in the day!