WellBitten Wellness Tip: Stand Up for Your Health

Who doesn’t love some pin-able bites of inspiration? Introducing WellBitten–a daily series full of fit tips, motivational thoughts and healthy eating ideas for head-to-toe wellness. Think of it as a post-it from BSW to keep you moving, eating right and feeling WellBitten!


Studies have shown that for every hour we idly watch TV, our life expectancy drops by 21.8 minutes. To avoid this, break up your sitting sessions and decrease your risk of developing many life threatening diseases. When you think about it, it’s the best of both worlds! You’ll still get to watch the shows you love and stand up for your health.

Do you have any healthy TV watching tips?

photo credit: emdot via photopin cc


  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    I actually bought a desk to put on top of my desk so that I STAND when using my computer – yup, right now I am standing as I type this! I used to get some back pain when I would sit in front of my computer for a long time, but now… I am pretty much back pain free and I truly believe it’s because of the stand up desk I created! 🙂