WellBitten Wellness Tip: Decode your Fruit

Who doesn’t love some pin-able bites of inspiration? Introducing WellBitten–a daily series full of fit tips, motivational thoughts and healthy eating ideas for head-to-toe wellness. Think of it as a post-it from BSW to keep you moving, eating right and feeling WellBitten!

Have you ever been about to bite into a juicy fresh apple, and realized you’ve left the sticker on? If you look closely at that sticker, you’ll see a number code for that fruit. By understanding this code, you’ll be able to know if that fruit is conventionally grown, organic or genetically modified.

Did you know this simple trick to decoding your fruit? What is your favorite fruit?

Thomas Hawk via photopin cc


  1. Ellen

    I know I’ve been told that if the code on the sticker doesn’t start with a nine, it is not organic. My favorite fruit is the pink lady apple, or the Fuji, depends on my mood:)