We all have that goal physique in mind, with only a few body parts lagging behind, we’re almost there. Reaching your fitness and appearance goals can sometimes be tricky as they evolve as your body changes. You may never reach your true goal if you keep becoming more ambitious as you progress, so here are some tips to keep you on track and (more importantly) realistic about your physique goals.
Have realistic goals and a time frame. This is a really important realization, and the earlier you come to terms with it the better. Fitness models and bodybuilders have developed their physiques over many years, and often use performance enhancing drugs. You’re going to have to put in several years to build up the amount of muscle mass to hit your dream physique, and include some cutting in there. Keep it real, and know that your hard work and consistency will pay off in time.
Dial in your nutrition. Nutrition simply CANNOT be overlooked. Gym time is important, sleep is important, but without your nutrition being spot on you’re not going to be losing or gaining towards your dream physique.
Have proper workout programming. Next up… Programming! That’s right, behind nutrition is having your programming customized for your specific needs. You can start with those cookie-cutter workout templates but you really want to be developing your own method to hit all your muscles hard enough and at the proper frequency. Tailor your program to develop your strengths and progress your weak body parts.
Happy relaxed woman lying on the green grass
Don’t underestimate resting and proper sleep. Nutrition, programming, and the third piece of the puzzle that is often left to the wayside: sleep. Guess what your body is doing while you’re snoozing? That’s right, building muscle and recovering for the next day of work in the iron temple. I recommend using a sleep app or tracking your sleep cycles to get optimal rest.