Link Love: Off the Beaten Treadmill


This week, we were super entertained by sites, blogs and stories that aren’t exactly typical in the wellness world. Intrigued? Read on, and amaze your gym buddies with your unique health knowledge!

Fitnessy Reads

I’m sure you have found yourself laughing at “fail” videos and pictures at one point or another. You probably feel a bit guilty at first, but then remember how hysterical fails can be. Have a laugh at some of these fitness fails. (via Uber Humor)

Beauty-Full Advice

Apparently some of those wives’ tale beauty myths are actually true. Try not to question the validity of everything else in your life, and read at these facts(via Real Beauty)

Work, Life and Stuff

Raiding your liquor stash can help make your flowers last longer? These tricks for how to use everyday objects in random (but useful) ways will make you want to experiment with everything in your home. (via BuzzFeed)

Don’t MIND if We Do

Have you ever thought someone was pretentious due to putting on a fake accent? Think Madonna or Johnny Depp. While we know they aren’t fooling anyone, they could be completely unaware of their new found accent. Foreign Accent Syndrome is just one of the top 10 little known mental health disorders on this list. (via Science Channel)

Eat Me

Has anyone ever made a joke at your expense because you’re health conscious? (aka you’re  fit and fab!) Laugh at yourself for a moment by reading this  run down of the “culprits” who “enjoy food with a healthy serving of gourmet bling.”  (via Cracked)

Blog in the Limelight

Everyone who is a wellness junkie with a witty sense of humor will love following GiGi Eats Celebrities. The blog is full of hysterical and informational posts to give readers some lighthearted  advice on healthy living. (via GiGiEatsCelebrities)

Selfish Shout Out

A while ago we posted a top 10 list of weird and wonderful workouts to try. Ta Da! A new to-do list.  (via BiteSizeWellness)

What are your favorite links this week? Share them or tweet what articles have been on your mind to @BiteSzWellness.