Dare I sound old by saying, can you believe it is October? Well, it is and you know what that means, Halloween will be coming up sooner than we can expect. Of course, the second most wonderful time of the year (obviously Christmas is the first), is filled with childlike wonderment. If you even try to deny that you tune in to Disney and ABC Family’s 13 Nights of Halloween, while carving pumpkins, and shoving excessive amount of candy in your face, I will call you out on your blatant lies.
Even with the children’s (and your) excitement in the crisp fall air though, Halloween isn’t above becoming corrupt in its own way. Every year on Halloween, and maybe especially this year since it falls on a Thursday, masses of young people come together to celebrate one of the most highly sexualized holidays in the world. Some of those people will take the holiday very seriously, caking on unwarranted amounts of zombie make up that resemble a zipper opening on the face to expose innards. Others will put on a paper name tag that says “Hello my name is Dave”, when really their name is Bob, and call it a costume. Regardless of the extent that people are willing to express their Halloween excitement, almost everyone will come together to get hammered as an alternate personality. In honor of that, here is a list of some of the most famous Halloween extravaganzas in the major cities of America.
This year Las Vegas’s biggest party will be at The Wizard of Tao Halloween Spectacular at the Tao night club. Best part about the party: Wiz Khalifa is making a special performance!
Los Angeles’s annual KCRW Masquerade Ball will be held on Saturday, October 26th at the Legendary Park Plaza. There is sure to be special performances and a ton of fun to be had. Who couldn’t have fun dressed in disguise?
The air is warmer, but that doesn’t mean Halloween isn’t celebrated in this wild city. Instead of hitting up one of Miami’s famous clubs, try a South Beach Pub Crawl! October 25th, 26th, and 31st a Pub Crawl with special drink offers will be one of the best events to attend in Miami. Put on a costume and roam the streets of Miami like a zombie!
One of the biggest party cities in the world: especially on Halloween, is hosting the Endless Night Vampire Ball on October 26th and 27th. This is actually a world wide event that happens in multiple cities, but New Orleans is hosting the “Zompire” version of it. The party is a number of soirees that attendees can travel throughout with the purchase of a ticket. It may seem excessive, but it is a once in a lifetime experience.
New York’s famous Halloween event is called Nightmare Above Times Square. Now that sounds awesome. October 31st at the XVI Lounge in New York, costume cladded people will be flocking to the one hour open bar in the penthouse of the building that overlooks the Hudson.
Last but not least, yet another pub crawl, but with a more original way. Boston’s Crawl-O-Ween Pub Crawl starts at Faneuil Hall and continues the ghoulish festivities throughout the city. October 26th, be there, or be eaten by a zombie.