The Wellness Wire: Love Actually 2 Parody, The Cheapest Health Investment Ever, And More

Part of staying healthy is staying in the know and keeping up to date on what’s going on in the world around us. If you’re on the go and still want to keep up with what’s trending, we’re here to help! Here are the top links of the day in bite-size pieces.

How Technology is Warping Your Memory (Huffington Post)

Just when you think technology is supposed to make your life easier, it turns out that it’s making it harder. New research shows that technology is having a profound negative effect on our short term memory which is decreasing our intelligence. So maybe it’s time to back away from the tablets and smartphones for a little bit.

Lemon Peels: The Cheapest Investment In Your Health (Mind Body Green)

If there was a food that could fight cancer cells, improve your bones, and give you 7 different vitamins and minerals at once would eat it? Well that food is lemon peel and you’re probably throwing them away. Find out all the many health benefits of lemon peels that you never knew.

Lessons from Demi Lovato on Drug Addiction (Bliss Tree)

X factor judge and Disney alum Demi Lovato opened up recently about her struggles with cocaine addiction and how it affected her life. She explains how she was able to hold it together in public and how she was lucky to have a “eureka” moment.

This Hilarious Love Actually 2 Parody is the Sequel You Wanted to See (Glamour)

Everyone is having Love Actually fever since it’s the 10th anniversary of the beloved movie. This fake trailer shows us what we wish there really was, a sequel! Find out if they think the romance continues or if its splitsville for some of our favorite rom-com couples.

38 Reasons Your Life Will Be So Much Better in 2014 (BuzzFeed)

With New Year’s right around the corner, what should you expect from 2014? Well according to BuzzFeed bacon, tacos, winning every hot wing contest you enter, never seating on a cold toilet seat ever again, and more. From this list, we can tell it’s going to be a good year for everyone.

What were your favorite links of the day?