The Wellness Wire: Health Trends We Don’t Want to See in 2014, DIY Organization Tips, and More

Part of staying healthy is staying in the know and keeping up to date on what’s going on in the world around us. If you’re on the go and still want to keep up with what’s trending, we’re here to help! Here are the top links of the day in bite-size pieces.

Poll: Republican Belief in Evolution on the Decline (via

So apparently less Republicans today believe that evolution is a real thing than they did in 2005.  I’m not quite sure how that makes any sense at all, but 33% of Americans overall don’t believe in Darwin’s theory, and only 43% of Republicans think it it is real.  Strange, there seems to be a lot of science on Darwin’s side.

Health Trends We’d be Happy to See Go in 2014 (via Huffington Post)


Not every diet or fitness fad is worth hanging on to, and 2013 saw the rise of many health trends that aren’t actually too healthy.  In the new year, we should all resolve not to embark on any health quests that could actually do us more harm than good, like working out to the point of exhaustion or not eating any real food.

10 Simple DIY Ways to Get Organized in 2014 (via Buzzfeed)

One pretty common goal for the new year is to get organized so you can launch into the new year with a fresh start.  Organization can be tricky, because it can be hard to find functional ways to store things without your home looking like the cabinet display room at Ikea.  These DIY tips create some fun and functional storage, and won’t kill your 2014 budget right from the get-go.

The More (Treats), the Merrier: New Poll Makes us Feel Better About Holiday Indulgences (via Greatist)

The next time you feel guilty about indulging over the holidays, you probably shouldn’t bother.  This poll shows that a majority of American adults choose to indulge during the holidays, because it is such a happy time of year, and skipping out on the treats just doesn’t feel right.  We are all in the holiday weight gain battle together, and it is perfectly normal to want to treat yourself.

11 Ways to Ruin Your 2014 Before it Even Starts (via Huffington Post)

A lot of people are worried about how they are going to act and what they will do once the new year officially starts, but don’t forget to stress out about what you do on New Year’s Eve itself! From shooting someone’s eye out with a champagne cork to playing terrible music at a party, you can start off your new year on the wrong foot.

What were your favorite links of the day?



  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    I do hope that eating REAL, NATURAL foods becomes more prominent in 2014. Enough with this fake, wannabe crap food! I hate that people are tricked into believing some foods to be healthy because they claim XYZ on the label!

    And I am happy to report, I did not ruin my 2014 before it even started !!