The Health Benefits of Cranberries

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means we will all be gorging ourselves with some delicious traditional favorites. One of those favorites: cranberry. The canned cranberry that seems to make a noise when it is taken out of the can, is not what we’re interested in though. We’re more enticed by the natural berry itself. Cranberries, which are a fruit that originated in Scandinavia, but were first found in America on Cape Cod, contain health benefits that reach far beyond that of most other berries. The tart fruit is related to the blueberry, the lingonberry, and the bilberry, which are all considered “superfoods” by doctors and health fanatics, due to their natural phytochemicals,flavanoids, and nutraceuticals. In other words, cranberries (and related berries) are kick-ass when it comes to keeping the body young and healthy.

Cranberries are not just for decorating at this time of the year. One of the great reasons cranberries are ripe during the colder months is because they are natural antibiotics that have abilities to rid the body of germs during cold and flu season. Instead of squirting 6 pounds of Purell into your hands before heading to work, just eat some cranberries for breakfast! Cranberries have been proven to reduce inflammation, which is fantastic for people with heart disease and cholesterol problems. In accordance with reeducation of inflammation, cranberries are also known for increasing blood flow to the brain (which is what keeps us sharp!). For all the people who are worried about defying the process of aging, cranberries may help with that endeavor by fighting oxidative stress in the body, which is usually what causes premature aging. Aside from all of those incredible benefits, most women already know that cranberries work wonders in the case of UTI’s. To keep the list going, scientists are finding more evidence that cranberries are responsible for combating tooth decay, gum disease, stomach ulcers, and food-borne illnesses.

All we are trying to say is that cranberries are probably the greatest way to keep your body at its height of health. Hint: if this article has you running to the nearest Whole Foods to invest in some of these miracle workers, the best way to tell if they are ripe is to bounce them. Bounce= delectably tart cranberry= health perfection!

How do you add cranberries into your diet?

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  1. Ellen

    I did not realize they had so many healthful properties! I’m a big fan of a mocktail of cranberry, ginger ale (zevia makes a good sugar-free type) and fresh squeezed lime juice.
    Then again I also adore my apple cranberry streusel pie;)