The 5 Happiest Jobs in America

Happiness at work is super important, and sadly, most people aren’t feeling so great about their jobs. Whether they’re not getting paid enough or their work environment is toxic, happiness at work is on the decline. This is terrible, considering happiness in the workplace obviously affects productivity and overall success at work. But, not all jobs are lost! According to this infographic, studies show that while overall happiness on the job has declined, there are still some careers that have earned the title of the top 5 happiest jobs in the USA. Not to worry, folks!

Factors that affect job happiness include how safe and comfortable employees feel, the corporate culture, salary and benefits, and whether or not the job is in said employees’ field(s). This infographic also discusses how social media and interaction can increase work happiness — maybe checking Twitter and Facebook on the job isn’t such a bad thing after all, huh? (Just, ya know, keep it to a minimum.)

Anyway, if you’re curious what the  happiest jobs in America are, here goes nothing: biotechnology workers, customer service representatives, teachers, administrative assistants, and buyers all make the top 5. Want more info on happiness in the office? Check out the infographic below!


How happy are you at your job?

featured photo credit: Ben Adamson via photopin cc