Wellness Wire: Skecher’s Scam & Real Leg Exercises!

Remember when Skecher’s Shape Ups were all the rage? Virtually everyone and their mother were wearing those shoes; working out while you walk, what can be better? Well, sometimes things that seem too good to be true usually are. (Cue: small, sad violin.) The Shape Ups guaranteed to help you lose weight, tone and strengthen your glutes, legs and abs all while improving your posture. The fix all! Unfortunately, after hundreds of complaints and injuries, the Federal Trade Commission will be refunding over 500,000 people (lucky you, as long as you didn’t break your ankle in the process). Seriously, what did you expect from a line of shoes claiming magical workout powers that had a rocker style bottom? They were one step (no pun intended) away from being a dangerous as Heely’s.

So toss those pieces of rubber out the window, and try these great exercises to tone your butt, legs, and abs instead!

1. Kettle Ball Swing

[photo: Outside Online

The key to this exercise is rhythm. Take a kettle ball that’s comfortable to you (I usually use one around 10 lbs.) and hold it with both hands. Start down low, and swing the kettle ball up; try to engage your abs during the swing and not rely on momentum. In an controlled motion, swing back down into a squatting position–this will work your legs and butt. Go fast for a cardio workout, but make sure to engage your muscles and breathe in sync with your movements!

2. Squats

[photo: Cardio Kick Box

Squats, an oldie but a goodie. Do enough of them and you’ll have the perfect buns ‘n thighs in no time! Make sure to key your knees aligned with your ankles, so your shins are perpendicular to the floor. Stay back on your heels and really sit into it to engage your glutes. Feel the burn!

3. Wall Sit

[photo: Skimble

Make sure your legs are at a 90 degree angle, and hold it for as long as you can.

4. Calf Raises

[photo: Peak313

Make sure your stretch your calves before and after you do this exercise, because your calves can tighten up quickly. Simply stand on the edge of a step and lift your body using your calves.

5. Reverse Leg Lift

[photo: Fitness Blender

For an added burn to your buns, squeeze and hold when you’re at the top of this exercise.

What’s your favorite lower body exercise?

photo credit: Skechers España via photopin cc