NYC’s Bike Share Program Adds a Weight Limit

NYC finally launched its long awaited Bike Share Program in NYC during National Bike Month. But the program that offers access to public bikes around the city via an annual membership (similar to Zipcar) hit their first speed bump.

It was reported that Citi Bikes will only accept bike riders who are under the 260 pound mark. It appears you won’t be peddling away the pounds on the city streets.

NYC has been making international headlines in their efforts to make healthy living a priority so to set a weight limit on a program that is supposed to encourage physical activity is obviously quite controversial. Citi Bikes said that the weight limit was set based on the recommendation of the bicycle manufacturers and needed to be enforced as a safety precaution.

Even with a rule in place, it seems there is a loophole for those that exceed 260 pounds.

Jon Orcutt, Department of Transportation policy director, said that the city will not actively be enforcing the weight limit. He told the NY Post: “I think people will be self-selecting, practical and safe.”

Once the program is in full effect there will be over 10,000 bikes available in 600 locations throughout the city—the largest bike share program in America.

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We hope that the restrictions don’t discourage people to continue to live a healthy lifestyle. What are your thoughts on the weight limit rule?

photo credit: Thomas Hawk via photopin cc