Music Monday: Power Up with Britney Spears

Britney Spears is back- and she’s hotter than ever. Want a body like hers? We’ve got you covered. The key to a great workout is not quantity, rather quality. Walking at 3.0 on a treadmill for hours at a time may be good for you, but short High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) circuits are proven to be much more effective. If walking outside is something you enjoy doing, stick to it- it’s good for you and can be very relaxing especially now that it’s fall and the weather is great. Try adding a jog to your routine, or a few sprints, anything to get your heart rate beating fast. If you’re working out on a treadmill, alternate between walking, jogging, and sprinting for maximum results. The key to high intensity interval training is that you want to be doing short circuits of exercises that get your heart rate up. In addition, you take short ten second breaks several times throughout the workout, but not enough of a break to actually catch your breath. Sounds grueling right? It’s hard but anyone can do it. Start off slow.

We’ve come up with a H.I.I.T for you that is challenging yet totally manageable. Try adding this circuit to your workout routine three or four times a week and soon enough you’ll have a body like Britney’s. This workout includes simple exercises such as jumping jacks and mountain climbers. For additional cardio we’ve added some high knees and a few other fun things. Don’t be intimidated, if we can do it so can you. And the song we’re pairing this workout to is awesome as well. It will make you want to push through the workout and give each rep your all.

The song of the week for Music Monday is “Work B**ch” by Britney herself. This song is motivating and really fun to listen to. It’s perfect for a workout and has such a playful beat you could listen to it all day. Try running to this song as well- the chorus is perfect for sprinting and the rest of the song is great to jog to. Check out our Power Up workout:

The Beat:

The Workout:



  1. Whitney @ To Live & Diet in L.A.

    This song gets me going like no other!! Every time I’m starting to lag in a workout I put this on and remind myself: you want a hot body? You gotta work Whit!

    Def trying this HIIT workout with Brit in the background later today!