Music Monday: Leg Workout With The Fray

Bikini season is just around the corner, whether you realize it or not. As easy as it is to keep warm this winter with slouchy sweaters and Starbucks full-fat lattes, make sure you get your workouts in now so you’re ready and in shape for this upcoming summer. Cardio doesn’t mean walking to and from class or walking from your bedroom to the fridge. Get up, get moving, get sweating. Working out four or five days a week can help you stay in shape, relieve stress, and keep up with a healthy lifestyle all year round.

This week, instead of hitting snooze on your alarm and blowing off the gym for the sixteenth day in a row, get out of bed and head to the gym. You’ll thank me later. Go to sleep ten minutes earlier so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready for a work out. This week’s edition of Music Monday is an awesome leg workout that will have your calves, thighs, and glutes burning in no time.

The song of the week is “Love Don’t Die” by the Fray. This song and workout duo will get your week started on the right foot and will have you sweating in no time. Be sure to keep proper form while doing your squats and lunges to ensure maximum results. This song is uplifting and motivational and will help you power through your morning workout. The squats and lunges might start to burn…that’s a good thing! Try to push yourself and complete all of the circuits in the workout. Don’t quit and you’ll be happy with the results! Happy Monday.

The Beat:

The Workout: