Music Monday: Cardio Yoga to “O Saya” from Slumdog Millionaire

When thinking about yoga, heart pumping cardio probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. However, if you put on the right playlist and know the right poses, a great cardio workout is what you will get without ever having to step on the treadmill.

The foundation of most yoga classes is a series of poses called Sun Salutations. Repeating multiple rounds of these poses will not only be great cardiovascular training, but also a full body workout. Sun Salutations are a great way to strengthen the shoulders, chest and abs. Yoga, in general, also releases tension and relaxes the mind.

Call us cliche, but a playlist with an Indian vibe seems perfect for this workout. One of our favorite yoga teachers in New York City from the Yoga Vida always plays this song when we are getting our sweat on during class. You may recognize “O Saya” from a great movie, Slumdog Millionaire, or you may recognize the featuring artist M.I.A. Either way, turn on this song next time you step on your mat and your heart will be pumping in no time.

The Beat:

The Workout: 

Do you use yoga to pump up your heart rate? What is your favorite yoga pose?

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