Music Monday: Cardio Blast with Chris Brown

Mondays literally suck. No one wants to wake up early for work or class or whatever it is you have to get up for on Mondays. Being motivated enough to get to the gym on a Monday is even harder. Thanks to great music and short circuit workouts, getting up and going to the gym (especially on Mondays) won’t be as difficult. The key to a successful Monday is being able to wake up early and get going right away. Lay out your gym clothes the night before so when Monday morning comes around you’ll have minimal work to do to get you out the door. Once you get to the gym, or your living room, or wherever it is you do your workouts, turn on music and get started.

We’ve come up with an awesome Monday morning wake up circuit that is short enough to manage but just long enough to wake you up and get your blood pumping. Once you’re body starts to wake up and your heart rate gets going, you’ll be way more likely to pack in a good workout! All you need to have a great workout is a circuit to guide you and some great music. This week’s Music Monday workout is a cardio blast that will wake you up and get your week started the right way. This workout circuit is short but packs in a bunch of great exercising to get you going. Squat jumps and jumping jacks will get you warmed up and running in place will help you break a sweat.

The song this week is “Love More” by Chris Brown. This song will wake you up and get you going. It’s upbeat and fun to workout to (I listen to it on repeat sometimes while I run). You can do this circuit as many times as you can handle, but we suggest at least three times to really get in a good warm up. Good luck, get sweaty!

The Beat:

The Workout: