Music Monday: Arm Workout with Cash Cash

The worst part of my weekend is always going to bed on Sunday night knowing that the next time I open my eyes it will be bright and early on Monday morning. Nobody likes Mondays. I almost feel bad for Mondays, and then I remember how much I loathe them. It’s hard enough getting out of bed after a weekend of relaxation, let alone even contemplating dragging my butt to the gym. I know plenty of you probably feel my pain each and every Monday. Lucky for you I’ve got an awesome Music Monday workout this week that will hopefully motivate you to get out of bed and into your gym clothes. Getting ready for the gym is half the battle anyway.

This week’s Music Monday is an arm workout that will help get rid of that stubborn underarm jiggle we all hate so much. Ladies, having arm flaps is not cute. Let’s get to work. This short workout circuit will work your core while it burns away your arm flab. The circuit includes tricep work, along with bicep exercises and some pushups as well. When you work your arms, it’s important to remember to target every muscle in your arm, not just one of them. The tricep exercises work the backside of your arms while the bicep moves target the inner part of your arms. Pushups and burpees will work out your shoulders, chest, and overall arms. When doing pushups it’s always important to keep proper form. Take your time and really focus. Especially in this case, less is more. It’s better to do fewer reps with great form than a hundred reps with mediocre form.

This week’s song is “Take Me Home” by Cash Cash. It’s upbeat and fun to dance to. This song will have you up and motivated for your workout in no time. It’s also a great song to listen to in the shower post-workout. Good luck, and happy Monday!

The Beat:

The Workout: