Kinsa Smart Thermometer: Stay Healthy, Stay Connected

Every winter you’re always dreading it: getting sick. As you walk down the street or through a store all you hear is a chorus of coughs and sneezes, hoping that you can escape without catching anything. Imagine if you knew what your chances were of getting sick as soon as you left the house or whether or not you were contagious to your co-workers and family. Well, all this is about to be possible with the new Kinsa smart thermometer.

The Kinsa thermometer was created by Inder Singh and Edo Segal and has been brought to life by an all-star team they personally assembled. The project rose over $50,000 on in only 2 months. They have been featured in publications like The Washington Post, Forbes Magazine, and Fast Company Magazine. The Kinsa thermometer has also received rave reviews from family publications like Parents Magazine and

How exactly does a smart thermometer work? At first, similarly to a traditional thermometer. You place it under your tongue and wait for it to take your temperature. The difference is, this thermometer works only with your iPhone. The actual thermometer attachment is flexible and easy to use. There are no batteries, processor, or LCD in thermometer; it simply uses the power of your phone in order to interpret the results.

After you take your temperature, you can enter your specific symptoms like sore throat, chills, fatigue, and cough.  You can save the results and then send it to your doctor. You can “check the health” of  a specific location like schools and businesses. Users can also create private groups based on places where they can discuss what sicknesses they have.

Even if you’re are not a part of a private group, there is information on the levels of illness in the city or town you live in. You can also search for urgent care centers with open appointments. They are also adding a “one touch call nurse option and an illness forecast that tells you when you’re contagious and when you’ll probably get better. The “health weather” let’s you know your likelihood of getting sick and what types of colds are going around in real time. They are currently waiting for their device to be approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration so the thermometers are not yet for sale but if you click here, you can register to find out when they will be available for sale.

Would you try a smart thermometer?

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