How to De-Bloat & Reboot After a Long Night

So, you’ve just had a long night out, and there’s a high to definite chance that you were a little over served, or indulged in some unhealthy foods outside the realm of your typical die. You wake up a little puffy in the face, bloated in the abdomen, and all the remnants of your previous night are on display for the world to see. You make your way to the mirror, fearful of the face that will appear. Suddenly you wish you didn’t have that last Mojito, glass of Pinot, or tequila shot. Too late for regrets now… What is your next step to getting rid of last night’s mess? Luckily, you have a few options.

First, we’ll work on the puffy face. In order to get the puffiness or swelling out from your cheeks, apply an ice pack or bag of frozen vegetables to the problem area. Apply this to your face for a few minutes until the puffiness goes down. Icing your face seems extreme, but is the fastest way to get rid of unwanted puff and swelling. This also works to reduce dark eye circles after a long night of working, studying or drinking.

Another trick to reducing puffy eyes is placing cold cucumber slices under your eyes. Not only does this relieve the skin due to the high-water content, it also moisturizers the skin under your eyes to make you look more awake. Cut up enough slices to replace the cucumbers every three minutes until you feel like the puffiness go away.

Once you notice the puffiness is starting to go down, you can now apply your make-up to cover up those dark eye circles. Concealer is a staple for every girl AND guy’s bathroom kit. Yes, even men can benefit from carrying concealer around. You never know when a sudden blemish will appear, or you’ll need to hide dark eye circles. The best part is, it won’t even look like you’re wearing make-up! Apply enough concealer both under and above your eyes to cover up any droopiness or dark circles. Purchasing an eye cream that reduces puffiness may also beneficial. You can find effective eye creams at any of your local discount retailers.

Now that your face is taken care of, make your way to the sink and fill up a glass of water. Staying hydrated is key for reducing bloating and puffy faces. It will help rehydrate you and flush all that excess water out of your system. Yes, the more water you drink the less you will retain it, and the faster it will quickly flush out toxins.

When it’s time for your first meal of the day, choose foods that are natural diuretics— such as bananas, spinach, tomatoes and mangoes. These foods will reduce all the water that is sitting in your body making you bloated. Not to mention they will replenish lost nutrients.

Lastly, rest up! If you have work, class or other obligations the next morning, plan an earlier bedtime for the next evening. Resting up will stabilize your sleeping habits. Eat well and avoid any late nights in the next few days. One or two late nights a week won’t cause any detrimental harm, but if these late nights add up and are never made up for, long term health problems can arise. Making sure your body is properly cared for is key to performing your best. After all, if you don’t take care of our body, the less time you’ll have to spare extra sleep in the future.

In order to do this, planning what nights you’ll be out or have a lot of work is better to do in advance so you know when to leave time for some extra pampering the morning after. If you know exactly which nights will be full of drinking or working, prepare yourself by slicing up cucumbers for the next morning, keep water by your bed, and purchase foods you know will be beneficial to eat.

How do you recover from a late night?

All Photos: Thinkstock


  1. Gigi Eats Celebrities

    Ugh. I am so bloated right now – tummy – but this is because I have a lot of food intolerances and IBS and THE WORKS – it stinks! Most of the time everything is OKAY but for a good two or three weeks every so often, I am just constantly 4 to 5 months pregnant. It’s not sexy. Taking probiotics and digestive enzymes definitely help though, which is exactly what I am about to do!