Workout Videos That Will Get You In Shape From Your Livingroom

When you fall into a routine, the gym can feel like the most painful part of the day. So much so, that the motivation to even get dressed and ready is slim to none. You just can’t handle any more miles on that squeaky treadmill, or people staring at you while you’re on the leg press. After the same circuit of workouts, you can justify Netflix more than the gym.

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But what if you didn’t have to go to the gym to get a great workout in? What if it could all be done from the comfort of your home, even barefoot? Better yet, with someone explaining everything to you instead of you having to go it alone? These were the types of questions I didn’t think had answers, until I took to the internet. Here I found some of the best workout videos that you can do from the comfort of your own home. They offer versatility, variety, and best of all, results. Check them out, they’ll be sure to spice up your routine.


I’ve been singing praises for Cassey Ho for a very long time, and I will continue to do so until I can’t speak. Blogilates feels less like a workout blog and more like a community –  thanks to Cassey. She cranks out new workout videos every week so that her viewers are never bored. On top of that, she makes a workout calendar every month, with each day comprised of several of her workout videos. The days of the week have designated body parts to workout, such as “Muffin Top Monday” and “Arms and Thighs Thursday”.

Cassey’s cheery attitude and clear enthusiasm will help you push through all of the workouts she throws at you. But don’t let her chipper phrases make you think her workout videos are a walk in the park. Her compound moves will leave you sore, and you’ll be seeing results long before the workout calendar is over.

Do Yoga With Me

Yoga is a wonderful method of exercise and stress relief, but studios are charging more and more for classes these days. Not to mention how difficult it is to find a class time that fits with your schedule. Now you have no excuses. Do Yoga With Me is a website that stocked up with workout videos of yoga moves across the board. Every pose you could ever want, with every difficulty level, to be done at your own pace.

The website even hosts an entire section dedicated to meditation. Let’s say that you’ve really enjoyed doing their individual videos, and want to commit to more of a program. Do Yoga With Me also offers that, free of charge, but offers an option to donate as you wish. These programs rage from “Yoga for Beginners”, to “Yoga for Runners”, and even “Yoga for Office Workers”. Now you have an entire army of yoga teachers at your disposal.

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BeFit Youtube

Be Fit was one of the first places I began my fitness journey. Here, I threw myself into Jillian Michael’s “30 Day Shred”, and didn’t look back (but I did ask myself “Why is this so hard??” a dozen or so times). From there, BeFit was one of my go-to spots for fitness inspiration. They have everything from my girl Jillian, to cardio workout videos, to dance videos.

With such a high variety, it’s easy to customize a workout that targets all the areas you want. This also includes a category of videos of ten minutes or less, specifically geared to someone who wants an efficient workout, on the go. What isn’t there to be excited about?

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What home workout videos do you love?