Dinner & Movie: 3 Recipes Inspired By Pitch Perfect

I may be guilty of one of the biggest crimes of all, I have yet to see Pitch Perfect. Before you fall out of your seat, let me explain. When Pitch Perfect came out in October of 2012, I was studying abroad in Europe and heard nothing of the famously successful movie. Apparently it became known as  a sleeper hit because its popularity raked in a ton of money while it was in the movies and then continued to do so when it came out on DVD.  When I returned home in December, I found myself scrambling to understand new “Fat Amy” references. Still to this day I chuckle along at the references, until I have to say, “wait, what?” It is inevitable at this point that I give away my lack of knowledge on the movie, and then receive lectures on how hilarious the movie is from every person in the conversation.

Well, this week Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson both confirmed signing onto a Pitch Perfect 2 which will be released on May 15, 2015. I don’t think I can make it another year being criticized for not seeing Pitch Perfect, so this weekend I am committing myself to watching it for Dinner and a Movie. Participate in the a capella fun this week by enjoying a few meals influenced by a college lifestyle  and watching Pitch Perfect in anticipation for Pitch Perfect 2!

Crockpot Mac and Cheese (via Grey Luster Girl)

Mac and Cheese is one of the most important staples in a college dorm. We aren’t suggesting easy mac (although that is perfect for some occasions), but we do say try this crockpot recipe. It’s easy enough to make and it will make you feel like you are back in college. If you are in college, then it will probably just be better than easy mac.

Creamy Ramen (via The Savory)

We aren’t proud of this recipe, but come on. It wouldn’t be college night without some ramen. We can justify this one by saying that at least you have to add a little something extra to this to make it a meal instead of just eating it as ramen straight from the bag.

Fruit Loop Treat (via Dana Made It)

It would’t be college night without a treat — a Rice Krispies treat, to be exact. We like the spin this recipe puts on the old one by using fruit loops, so we thought it would be fun to try!

Are you ready for Pitch Perfect 2?

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