Daily Bite [Watch]: Get the Moves like Paltrow

Each year, People Magazine puts together a list of the “Most Beautiful” celebrities of the year. Although we are firm believers that everybody is beautiful in their own way, this year we are happy with People’s pick. 

Gwyneth Paltrow is worthy of this title for many reasons, but the trait that we most admire is her admiration and promotion of wellness. Her website Goop is full of lifestyle advice and shopping suggestions, while also giving us a good dose of wellness tips

This week’s Daily Bite [Watch] is from an interview with Mrs. Chris Martin where she reveals her fitness routine and advice for women everywhere. Talk about Girl Power

If you’re interested in working out like Margot Tenenbaum/Pepper Potts, check out The Tracy Anderson Method on YouTube or find a studio near you! 

(..And we can tell you from personal experience that Tracy Anderson rocks!)

photo credit: brixton21 via photopin cc


  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    I adore Gwen. ADORE her… And… It is definitely a compliment when people say I look like her! 🙂

    But honestly, she has a smart head on her shoulders and I think people tend to poo-poo her because they see eating healthy as something “crazy”! No… those people are crazy to eat the junk food they nosh on!