Daily Bite [Sweat]: Medicine Ball Bunny Hop Exercise

Easter is such a fun springtime holiday, and even if you don’t celebrate by dyeing eggs, you can partake in the festivities by giving your workout an Easter theme.

Exercising by moving like an animal is all the rage, so why not add bunny rabbits to the list?

The Medicine Ball Bunny Hop

Grab a medicine ball, or anything of equal weight, and improve your speed and power with this move. This bunny hop exercise will help your muscles’ response time by performing strong bursts of movement, and the power being used from your core will benefit the overall power your body can produce.

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart, and hold a medicine ball at chest height,
  • Squat down, and jump using power from your legs
  • Be sure to jump forward and upward while using power from your legs transferring to your core keeping it tight and strong
  • Keep your medicine ball at chest height
  • Repeat 5 or 6 times using your maximum effort
  • Rest for a few minutes in between sets and repeat again

Can you think of any other ways to be festive during your workout? Offer up some suggestions below!

photo credit: ((carola)) via photopin cc