Daily Bite [Sweat]: Partner Workouts for Valentine’s Day


At Bite Size Wellness we strive to bring you the best of health and wellness one bite at a time. If you think about it, each day is made up of little bites that we make, say, see and do for our healthy lifestyle.

As soon as Valentine’s day is in full swing tomorrow, you may not want to leave your valentine for a solo sweat session. We suggest you try working out together. Both of you will have a great workout and will love the quality time spent together.

Partner workouts can be very beneficial and the positive effects will make you want to get back out there for more. Exercising with a partner gives you extra motivation, a boosted morale and a sense of support from your loved one or friend.

One of our favorite things about working out with a significant other is when the giddiness of a relationship translates to an otherwise mundane, average workout. Your burning glutes will be the furthest thing from your mind as you and your valentine have a great time together (and your face will get a great workout as well from all the laughs and smiles!).

The Medicine Ball “Waltz” is an example of a workout to do with your loved one that targets your shoulders, chest and legs:


photo via

The Set Up:

  • Stand facing one another.
  • One partner will start with a medicine ball, holding it in front of their chest.
  • Pass the medicine ball to your partner by lunging forward, and they will receive it by lunging backwards at the same time.
  • Now that the other partner has the ball, they will lunge forward to pass the medicine ball back as the receiver lunges backwards.
  • Do around 20 passes, and be sure to switch legs each time you lunge.

Confused? Watch this video demonstration before getting started.

What is your favorite partner workout? Share below!

photo credit: George C Slade via photopin cc


  1. Healthy Way To Cook Lunch Break Links Valentine's Day Edition: last-minute healthy date ideas, V-Day partner workouts, Arrested Development cards, anti-love Grumpy Cat memes, valentines too awesome to exist

    […] Partner Workouts for Valentine’s Day (via Bite Size Wellness) Why not make a partner activity out of your daily fitness routine today? BSW has some great ideas for two-person workouts you can try out with your partner before you get to..um…that kind of “sweat session.” […]