Daily Bite [Say]: Mother Theresa Reminds us of the Small Things

“In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.” – Mother Theresa

For the most part, great things don’t just happen. It is the small things you do along the way that add up to great things. We think this sentence is particularly true when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. You can’t walk into the gym and magically lose several pounds, lift the 50 pound weight with your pinky finger or be the star of your spin class. Your fit and healthy body takes time before it is at its greatest. If you have any big goals (even beyond the gym) breaking them down into smaller steps makes them less scary. And, most important of all, if you are doing things for your healthy lifestyle from a place of love, you will only go far.

What are some small changes you can make for big results? Try these:

  • Take a picture of yourself doing something healthy every day. The photo diary will help you log your goals and inspire you to do a healthy task day in and day out.
  • Use Pinterest to cook one NEW healthy recipe every week. Doing so will guarantee some quality time in the kitchen and, therefore, have you focusing on witling you middle.
  • Focus on one thing from your to-do list at a time and don’t get ahead of yourself. Everything will get done!
  • Add more water to your diet by drinking a small class first thing in the morning. In no time this will be a habit.
  • Pack your lunch AND your gym bag the night before. You’ll kick start your healthy lifestyle before you even go to bed!

Do you agree with Mother Theresa? What small steps do you take for your health?

photo credit: Vu Bui via photopin cc


  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    Small things I do:
    – Eat spinach for a snack
    – Take a nap, even if or 10 minutes or even just 5
    – Stop what I am doing and take a deep breath
    – Sit outside and forget about stress
    – Eat salmon (ha ha, it makes me too happy)
    – Texting/Calling friends (this helps for sure!)