Daily Bite [Say]: Be Prepared via Bobby Knight

Legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight was a warrior on the court because of his wise words about what it means to win:


You have to build a solid base in your fitness program before you move to the next level. Think about it…most endurance athletes know the value of concentrating on a set amount of base miles to build their endurance in order to run longer or faster later on. A weightlifter will only add more weight in once their body is ready. You have to be prepared.

How can you prepare your healthy lifestyle to be a winner? Here are a few tips:

1. Prepare your meals for the week ahead when you can. Nothing will ensure your healthy dining habits stay in place more than being prepared. You’ll be more likely to stick to your plan when you don’t have to think so hard about it.

2. Get mentally prepared to live the healthy life by setting goals. When you have benchmarks that measure your success and constantly provide positive reinforcement of your efforts, you will go far.

3. Start training slowly and work your way up. If you want to run a half marathon you need to hit the treadmill and run short distances first and then up your mileage as you go. There is nothing wrong with you if you can’t get off the couch and run 13.1 miles, seriously. Your body will feel like a winner only when it is ready.

How do you prepare for you healthy lifestyle? Share your tips below?


  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    How I prepare for life:
    – Always plan in advance, make schedules, to-do lists, etc.
    – Always make a little time for myself or else I’ll go nuts
    – Plan fun activities to look forward to (where it be getting my nails done, hanging out with friends, etc)
    – I get up earlier in the morning to get a work out in before the day begins because I know come 12pm, I am not going to want to work out anymore
    – I bake spaghetti squash for the week… I love this stuff, eat it every day
    – Always bring my lunch with me wherever I go – when I know I am going to be in the car or on the go (saves money and is healthy!)
    – I generally go to bed at the same time every night to ensure I wake up the next day feeling GOOD!
    – I always buy things in bulk so I never really run low on anything!