Daily Bite [Make]: Asparagus and Fontina Pizza



At Bite Size Wellness we strive to bring you the best of health and wellness one bite at a time. If you think about it, each day is made up of little bites that we make, say, see and do for our healthy lifestyle.

We put that all of those ideas together here on the Daily Bite

Pizza has been one of our favorite foods since we were kids. It is a staple of the childhood diet, but health wise it isn’t always up to par. Switch out some ingredients, throw on some veggies, and make your pizza healthy and delicious. We fell in love with this recipe the moment we saw it, and can’t wait to try it out soon! Introducing Roasted Asparagus and Fontina Pizza.

This healthy take on pizza offers lots of nutritional benefits. Asparagus is full of aminoacids, vitamins, and minerals. One of these aminoacids is a natural diuretic, meaning it helps you release retained fluid, so there is virtually no post-meal bloat. Using a whole wheat dough for the crust adds a good source of fiber to the meal, keeping you full and satisfied for a longer period of time after eating. It also looks mouthwateringly delicious. Basically, this pizza is a win-win-win situation.

When you head to the store, pick up the ingredients and get the pizza party started!

1 tablespoon olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
12 ounces asparagus
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
All-purpose flour and cornmeal
1 pound whole-wheat pizza dough, room temperature
1/2 cup grated Fontina cheese


Once you are all set to start, head to Health Magazine‘s website for the instructions on how to make your pizza.


photo credit: itsjustanalias via photopin cc