Are Chia Seeds The Secret To Becoming A Better Runner?

There’s no doubt that most of us are taking advantage of the warmer weather by running outside instead of on the treadmill. Unfortunately, with the temperature rising, some of us may find our mile times are climbing too. Between the wrath of pollen and the difficulty that comes with transitioning from the treadmill to the streets, an afternoon run could be hard to get through. Let’s find out if a certain seed can help boost our running times this summer.

SEE ALSO Get Your Chia On: 10 Chia Seed Recipes

Chia seeds have long been known for their health benefits. Dr. Mehmet’s Oz website, Dr. Oz, explains that “the chia seeds are ‘super’ because, like a superfruit, they deliver the maximum amount of nutrients with minimum calories.” This tiny seed is packed with a high fiber content, antioxidants, and vitamins—all good reasons to add them to your diet. While the health benefits of chia seeds are obvious, is it possible that eating more of this seed can help improve endurance? Dr. Oz explains, “Chia absorbs up to 12 times its own weight and expands to curb your appetite, so adding just an ounce or so of chia seeds to your diet can reduce caloric intake.” When chia seeds are eaten, they literally expand by absorbing the water in your body. By doing so, your body will feel fuller, and you may be less likely to reach for a snack.

SEE ALSO Ch-ch-ch-Chia: Sneaking Chia Seeds Into Your Diet

The supposed effects of chia seeds date back centuries. An informational website for runners, Runners Connect, says the “seeds have been a significant part of the diets of the natives of Central America and Mexico since 2,600 B.C [and] were often referred to as ‘the running food’ […because] warriors of the native people in these regions would mix chia seeds and water to maintain energy levels and stay hydrated during conquests.” So, were they on to something, or was the power of the seed only in their heads?

Runners Connect explains that a 2011 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning “found that a combination of 50% calories from chia seeds and 50% calories from Gatorade works just as well as 100% calories from Gatorade in training sessions greater than 90 minutes.”  The sugar found in Gatorade sports drinks can be avoided by replacing the sports drink with coconut water; however, is it worth it for runners to swap coconut water with chia seeds? Runners Connect says the mixture of half Gatorade and half chia seeds “offered a larger nutritional boost thanks to additional Ormega 3 fatty acid consumption” as well as a less sugar intake. While these benefits are great for health, it is concluded that more research needs to be done to determine whether chia seeds themselves can boost endurance. If you do plan on trying the Gatorade concoction, make sure you are running long distances to warrant such a beverage.

A runners’ website, Fleet Feet St. Louis, explains that chia seeds can “provide sustained energy, combat dehydration, reduce inflammation and joint pain, promote weight loss, and accelerate post-run recovery.” All of these factors can help improve a run, but maintaining overall healthy habits and keeping up with running is the most likely way to improve your run this summer.

Verdict: Fiction. Although chia seeds have major health benefits, the seed alone will not transform us into marathon runners. As long as you speak with your doctor about incorporating chia seeds into your diet, the health benefits can’t hurt! Try topping yogurt or salad with the seeds, sprinkle some in a smoothie, or just grab a handful for a snack.

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Are there other chia seed health benefits your are wondering about?