Checklist when Choosing Travel Insurance

For most people, travel insurance is the last thing they think about when planning for travel.

Maybe the paperwork is too much of a bother. Or perhaps people aren’t exactly trusting of insurance companies. Or perhaps people don’t see the need for travel insurance.

Whatever the reason, travel insurance is a solid backup plan when your perfect holiday getaway goes wrong.

It could be as dire as lodging you in a hotel when your flight is canceled or as trifle as replacing your stolen camera.

Now you are convinced of the importance of getting travel insurance asap, where do you start?

There are so many travel insurance policies out there how do you pick the one most suitable for your needs?

In this article, you will learn how to use a checklist when choosing travel insurance. This checklist is a sure fire way to sift out phonies and scammers out to eat into your hard earned income stashed away for the perfect holiday getaway. So read on!

Are all my Travel Destinations Covered?

This is the most important question every traveler should ask. Superb travel insurances cover all or most travel destinations including one-night stopovers, cruises, and trips.

It’s easy to assess how much your insurance covers if you are on a single trip holiday. For multiple trips, it becomes hard to assess. All in all, be sure to pick travel insurances that cover all your travel destinations.

Is my medical Cover appropriate?

Most travel insurance cover for mostly emergent health issues. A lot of people still make the mistake of thinking travel insurances cover for general health care expenditures abroad.

Which is why you should take the time to know how much your medical insurance covers and under what circumstances.

For example, apart from covering for only emergency health issues, travel insurance doesn’t usually cover for pre-existing health conditions like mental illness, pregnancy, heart diseases, and hip problems.

It’s smart to go for policies with high coverage limits which cover for huge hospital bills. Premium medical covers usually start anywhere from $100,000.

Am I Covered during Emergencies?

Travelers are wary of emergencies. Fire outbreaks, accidents, natural disasters, burglaries, civil wars, the list is endless.

A sound insurance policy should cover for emergencies that occur during travel. Please note that such covers aren’t just only for emergency health issues. Most emergency covers start anywhere from $300,000.

Am I Covered during Sport/ Outdoor Activities?

So you love a little bit of physical exertion. Youyou need to be sure your travel insurance covers for that.

Let’s say you love some bit of risk in bungee jumping, what happens when there is an accident? Double check if your insurance covers for sport-related emergencies before buying.

Outdoor actives like white water rafting, scuba diving, rock climbing, and even motorcycling are exhilarating but risky. You will need a superb insurance cover before engaging in one.

Do I Travel with all my Valuables?

This is another question to consider before buying insurance. Ironically this question is the last to cross every traveler’s mind. Could it be because they think travel insurance covers for every valuable item? No exactly.

Items like phones, laptops, passports, cameras, and jewelry are usually excluded from insurance cover when these items are not on you. This means these items are not covered when left at home or in the hotel.

Be sure to thoroughly read the Product Disclosure Statement or have a meeting with the insurer to understand insurance covers for valuables and under what circumstances you can make a claim.

Am I Covered for Lost Baggage?

Insurance cover for baggage varies. Usually, if you’re not carrying expensive items, you can save money on paying higher price rates by selecting a policy that provides fewer cover rates.

Before choosing a baggage cover, you will want to consider certain principles. For example, most insurance policies cover for baggage lost for more than 12 hours. Also, the level of cover can vary from $100-$5000. Remember to check conditions before applying.  

Is there a Cover for Cancelled Trips?

Sometimes you will have to cancel your trips, no thanks to unforeseen circumstances. Good insurance policies cover for lost funds from canceled flights, canceled car hires, canceled accommodations, canceled tour bookings and other unforeseen cancellations that may mar your holiday. Before buying a policy do check if cancellation is part of the travel insurance policy.

How much should I Pay in Excess?

Most insurance policies require you to pay excess before giving insurance covers. To lower excess charges, we recommend you purchase a higher level of cover or waive excesses by paying a higher premium.

Does it Cover Car Hire Excess?

Travel insurance does cover car hire excess. To make use of this benefit, you can save money by using your insurance to cover collision damage excess instead of paying the car hire company’s extra charge.

What’s not included in my Policy?

Before you rush to buy a policy, please take time to understand the clauses and caveats to all areas of your insurance coverage. Carefully read through the insurers Product Disclosure Statement to get a good grasp of what isn’t included in your cover.

A few of such exclusions include:

    • Terrorism
    • Pandemics or epidemics
    • Military actions
  • Travel provider insolvency.

Make a note of events or items that are excluded from your policy. If you don’t understand a principle or you are in doubt, do schedule a meeting with your insurer. A call or an email may be all you need to clear the confusion and make informed choices.

Whether it’s a trip to any of the fantastic beaches in South America or holiday making on any of Brazil Tours, travel insurance policies got you covered.

Before getting an insurance cover, be sure to read through this checklist when choosing travel insurance. You will be glad you did.