5 Fitness Apps You Should Be Using Now

When it comes to fitness apps, there are so many to choose from, it can certainly be hard to decide. From Nike Training Camp to smaller workout apps, many of them are built specifically for the gym.

That being said, there are so many apps that take a look at the bigger picture of a healthy lifestyle.

Below I list just five of the apps that you should really download now!

My Fitness Pal

For a couple years now, MyFitnessPal has been the undisputed champ in the “calorie counting” and food tracking app departments.

Their database of food and nutritional content is second-to-none and they’ve done so much for the fitness world that Under Armour acquired them – adding more bang for your buck (And by the way, the app is actually free!)

Download from iTunes

Download for Android


There are a bunch of run tracking apps, but Strava is by-far the most complete. You might have tried the more popular Nike+ running or Map My Run tools, but with Strava’s clean UX, massive user base, and plethora of data, it is the best app for tracking your running (and cycling) workouts.

Download for iTunes

Download for Android


A relative newcomer on the scene, MoveWell is designed to help you improve your mobility by providing mobility prescriptions for specific movement issues.

Whether you’re an athlete, a weekend warrior, recovering from a muscle injury or somewhere in between, Movewell has simple mobility routines designed to help you improve flexibility, range of motion, and improve your performance. If you have a specific muscle injury or trouble area, there are specific rehab routines to help as well. Completing a routine (around 10 minutes) on a daily basis is a great way to counteract the hours of sitting that most people have during the day.

While the app is still new, it’s growing rapidly and is a great resource to help you prevent or break free from pain.

Download from iTunes


Pacifica is also new; designed as a set of tools for stress, anxiety and wellness, the app can help track your moods, health and help you create your own experiments so you can become your own human guinea pig.

While the wellness aspect is outside of the traditional “tracking” spectrum, it’s about time someone picked up the slack in this space.

Download for iTunes

Download for Android

Sleep Cycle

Alarms not getting you up in the morning? You used to have to put all sorts of contraptions on your face to track your sleep?

Sleep cycle sets a variable alarm that will wake you up within a 20–30 minute time window of when you set your alarm – so that you wake up at the lightest point in your sleep – which is way less jarring than getting woken out of a deep REM sleep.

On top of that, when you wake up you get a sleep score, a graph of how you slept, and recommendations of how you can improve your sleep over time.

There’s a reason why it’s consistently one of the top apps in the Health & Fitness section on iTunes.

Download for iTunes

Download for Android

For more Fun, check out our articles here.

What are some of the best fitness apps you’ve tried?