Avoid Memorial Day Health Pitfalls

The unofficial start date to summer lovin’ has finally arrived. As excited as we are for the sizzling days of summer that are kicked off on Memorial Day weekend, we want to make sure you go into it with the best flip-flop forward.

1. Keep the BBQing Healthy

Barbequing is usually synonymous with hamburger, buns, potato salad and a cold beer. Don’t let your beach bod dreams go and instead take advantage of the in-season foods that are considered healthy. For example, if you are grilling be sure to add a veggie kabob to the menu that includes some of the season’s best vegetables. This doesn’t mean you have to become a vegetarian for summer! You can still nosh on burgers and the like, but just keep portion sizes in mind and keep your exercise schedule when you know you have an outing surrounded by food on the calendar. For more healthy BBQing tips check out Healthy Way to Cook—we love the tip about olive oil!

 Extra Tip! Keep the fruit bowl near. Berries and cherries and watermelon…oh my! Don’t neglect the juicy fruits of the season for bags of chips or an extra beer. Keep the rainbow in your diet by being the person that always brings a fruit bowl to the party.

2. Always Have H2O with You

When it comes to cookouts, most people’s minds go directly to the alcoholic beverages. In fact, we have been to events where there is no water to be found! As the weather heats up it is crucial that your water habits go into overdrive. For every adult beverage you sonsume, follow it up with the equivalent amount of cool, refreshing water. This will help you from getting dehydrated, over drinking and over eating.

3. Bring your Yoga Outdoors

Yoga in the park might be one of our favorite things about summer. There is no reason to keep your om habits cooped up in a yoga studio when you can relax in the open air of nature (and get some vitamin D while you are at it!). Being outdoors can intensify your yoga experience by focusing your awareness and helping you be in the moment. Grab your mat and get into downward dog. This can be a group event!

4. Double-Up on Sunscreen

The first sign of sun has us running outside, but don’t forget you are likely several shades fairer post-winter. You’ll stay sunburn-free all summer long if you start your sunscreen habits from the get-go. Make sure to apply SPF between 30 and 50 every 2 hours and supplement your sunscreen with sunglasses, a sun hat or a cover-up. Your skin will get that summer glow…and it won’t be tinted red.

If you keep up these habits starting Memorial Day you will be looking and feeling good when Labor Day arrives.

What are you doing for Memorial Day? Share any health tips you have below!

photo credit: paul goyette via photopin cc


  1. Ellen

    I am doing nothing very Memorial Day-ish thia weekend. I’m either going to be in the theatre (doing a show, seeing a show, then rehearsing) or in a bar, it seems. So the hydration tip will be important;)