9 Healthy Holiday Shopping Strategies

You made it through Black Friday and survived Cyber Monday, but there is always those lingering gifts that you have to brave the mall crowds for which can be a mentally stressful, financially overbearing and taxing on your body. This is why it is important to shop smart for you and your wallet so those last minute trips to the mall don’t leave your frantic and full of fast food.

1. Get Organized

The kryptonite of holiday shopping: sales. Before you know it you have racked up a hefty list of gifts for your loved ones and destroyed your budget while you were at it. Even if you have already started your holiday shopping make a list of what you have bought each person so you know exactly how many more items (or dollars) you can spend and have a spot to mark down what else you plan to purchase. Getting organized is half the battle!

2. Utilize the Web

When we shop we like to touch everything. Germ alert. But the benefit to internet shopping is that you can remove the pressure of the crowds and cashier and search for the perfect gift on your couch stress-free. If you are a sucker for holding a gift in your hand instead of depending on the mail then the internet is still your friend. Use it to research the specific item you want to buy so when you go to the store you can shop with a mission.

3. Don’t Go Hungry

Pack medium-sized bottled water (or unsweetened ice tea) so you can keep your energy up and have a clear head while shopping. Having a healthy snack on hand doesn’t hurt either. A Ziploc of dried fruits and nuts or a peanut butter sandwich will keep the hangry away when you don’t want to stop.

4. Beat the Stress

The trick to having a stress-free shopping experience is coming prepared. Bring along a stress relief spray to unfrazzle when you are overwhelmed and keep your energy up. One energizing spritz can be an instant mood changer. Make a call to your inner yogi when you get home. Here are 6 poses to help you unwind from your shopping-spree.

5. Wear the Right Shoes

Your feet will not appreciate tromping through the aisles in high heels. Put something on your feet that will keep your kickers comfortable while you are on the go for several hours. Uggs or sneakers usually do the trick!

6. Ask for Help

If you don’t have enough time to devote a day to shopping outsource help from your husband or your family. If they are heading to the mall request that they pick an item or two up for you while they are there. No need to duplicate your efforts.

7. Remember that Less is More

Your friends and family will love you the same if you splurge on a top-of-the-line product or make a thoughtful homemade gift. DIY items let you explore your creative talents and keep you away from the crowds.

8. Designate a Wrapping Day

Once you have your shopping complete it isn’t over. Instead of looking at wrapping as a chore, change your tune so it is something to look forward to. Catch up on a show, watch a classic movie or listen to some cherry music and wrap away. Think of wrapping as the alone time you have been craving.

9. Don’t Wait until Christmas Eve to Finish Up

Don’t think “no one else will be as unorganized as me” and head to the mall at the last minute. You will definitely not be alone and have to push through crowds. Plus, you may end up buying items you don’t love out of desperation. The earlier you can complete your shopping, the better.

What are your holiday shopping tricks? Are you in the holiday spirit?