6 Ways to Beat the Homesick Blues

I’ve been feeling very homesick lately. Since David and I moved to the city 10 months ago we have yet to make a trip back to Colorado. Don’t get me wrong, I love New York City and all it has to offer, but I miss my family, hometown friends and some of the easiness of Colorado life (ie no trudging the laundry bag down 5 flights of stairs and around the corner to have clean clothes). I know, big boo-hoo for me. I love my new life, but an unfortunate side effect to uprooting yourself to a new place is missing some people, places and things you “left behind.”

Whether you are in a new city temporarily or permanently here are some healthy ways to handle feelings of being homesick:

  1. Get to Know your New Home: One thing I do love about living in NYC is that there is a smorgasbord of fun to be had. From cultural and historical attractions to restaurants, community events and time on the streets, a day of moping on the couch is out of the question.  Buy a city guide and learn about all the exciting options, important landmarks or special places you can visit. Consider joining the myriad of organizations or community groups that your city offers so you can surround yourself with new people and make some new friends. You will quickly get to know the rhythm of your city and the more time you spend out and about the more quickly you can call your new place home!
  2. Make a Calling Plan: Your loved ones back home are just a phone call away! As you settle into your life try to maintain consistent communication so you have the opportunity to share stories about all the new things you are experiencing and hear about what is taking place back home too. David and I try to use Skype and/or Facetimeat least once a week to play catch up with family and friends. Hearing their voices is comforting, but seeing people’s faces makes you feel as if you are at home, chatting it up in the living room. Make a healthy communication plan that works for you.

    If I keep walking, I'll find my way home...

  3. Stay Active: Instead of sulking in feelings of despair, get up and move. Joining a gym or a fitness group of sorts will keep you active, balance your mood and boost your connection with your new environment. From time to time I partake in the races hosted by the New York Road Runners which are always enjoyable times through the city’s parks. Many cities have similar running clubs or fitness-oriented groups you can join. Even if you are feeling homesick while on vacation or an extended business trip, a sweat session is sure to help.
  4. Take a Trip Down Memory Lane: Your new city may offer tons of fun places to go and great new hangout spots, but there is definitely something nostalgic about visiting a location that screams “home.” New York has amazing shopping and great restaurants, but I have been yearning for a mall and a visit to The Cheesecake Factory because that is something that I would do in Colorado with dear friends. So, for my birthday, my friend Shannon rented a car and took me to New Jersey so I could have a small taste of home. It was the perfect escape from the city…although we didn’t get to shop because the mall was closed! Find the places that remind you of home and visit them frequently.
  5. Plan a Visit Home: If you are able to afford it, a short visit home will definitely get you out of your funk. David and I are working on making this happen, but were financially unable to do so until recently. So this visit home has been a long time coming! In the meantime, plan small trips or activities for the near future because having something planned that you are looking forward to will keep your mind off of thoughts about home. Keep your eye out for Groupons (and the like) for unique daytrips or opportunities for get-togethers in new places.
  6. Take Everything One Day at a Time: Feeling sad from time to time is normal. If you start feeling down, try to switch your current state of mind into a more positive place. Make a list that highlights the positive components of your new living situation. Even though I live in a city with millions of people, my wonderful husband and great friends, at times, I can feel lonesome. When this happens I try to engage in activities that will take my mind off my unwanted feelings like a coffee stop with friends, a date night with the hubby or simply reading a book. Some days will be easier than others and a pity party or two is bound to happen, but you can definitely defeat feeling homesick by staying busy and focusing on the present instead of what you are missing back home.

But in much better news than managing homesick feelings…the winner of my Attune Foods giveaway has been chosen!

Congrats to Ray! Contact me via email at Talia[@]m80marketing[.]com with your shipping information so you can redeem your snack sampler basket!

Have you ever gone through a phase of feeling homesick? What did you do to battle the blues? Tell me about it below!

Feature image courtesy of savit keawtavee via FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Dog image courtesy of dan via FreeDigitalPhotos.net


  1. Jenn

    We moved into an RV about 6 months ago to travel the country for a year or two and despite living one of my dreams I get homesick. I’ve found it most helpful to reach out to friends. Just hearing their voices makes them not feel so far way. (I’m from CA but currently touring the east coast). I agree staying active its HUGE!

    • Talia

      I’m also thrilled to be living in this bustling city, but it is hard not to think about home from time to time. I agree that friends are an excellent support system and I am grateful to those I have in my life. Sounds like you are having a blast! Thanks so much for visiting BSW!

  2. Colleen

    I have moved around a lot, but every time I move I find myself coming back home. I get horribly homesick when I’m away from my parents. I always tried to set up times with them to Skype, and would ask them to send me care packages that had local things I couldn’t get anywhere else. The best way to beat home sickness though is to stay away for long enough and always make sure to go home for visits.

    Good luck lady! I’m glad you’ve looked at all the positives of living in the big city!

    • Talia

      I love your advice about staying away for long enough! My friend moved to NYC 3 years ago and now she considers being here home. Perhaps I just need to give it some more time. Thank you very much for stopping by BSW. It is great to hear from new readers 🙂

  3. Pamela

    Homesickness has definitely been huge for me while living in NYC. I make sure to call my mom and sister everyday or ever other day, so they’re constantly updated on my life and I don’t feel like they’re so far away!

    • Talia

      Thank God for technology and being able to speak to our loved ones so easily! I do try to call home as often as possible too. Although, I know both us love NYC!! 🙂

  4. Jana Hartley

    Well, Talia, I did not know you are really a west coast girl. My sister just moved to Arizona and I miss her so much. I know that she is homesick too. I will email your post to her, I think it will really help. I am so grateful for facebook and skype. Those things do really help. Sometimes we just sit for hours together on the phone too. That really does give me a sister fix.

    What a great adventure you are on. New York is awesome and I would have loved to live there (temporarily) in my youth! (don’t get me wrong, I am still young!) Of course, there is just no place like home.

    • Talia

      Thanks for sharing my post with your sister! I definitely agree that the phone and Skype are incredibly helpful when it comes to staying connected. I’m glad you and your sister get to talk frequently. Staying in the present is key especially when you are on an adventure like I am 🙂

  5. Steven

    It’s strange, in all of my travels (and even when I moved from a small town in the Midwest to New York when I was 18) I have never felt homesick. I think it’s because I apply the “gold/silver” rule of friendship I learned in elementary school to moving and traveling as well — make new homes but keep the old, one is silver and the other’s gold.

    Who knew that little rhyme would be so applicable later in life?

    • Talia

      Love the motto with an adulthood spin! Perhaps I should try to not be so attached to my hometown favorites. I’m jealous of your ability to separate each experience and live in the present.

      • Sabrina at MyMiBoSo

        YES to both of you! Talia, I empathize with you! Moving from Oklahoma to California was a big transition and I had to tap into all of the above! And Steven, absolutely – both are considered “home” to me now and I love different things about each place!

        Keep on building that community while staying connected to your old one, and I’m sure you’ll find the same!