5 Tips for a Healthy, Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday! Yahoo!

Although I wish my birthday could be a month long event, I don’t think my body would be up for 30 days of non-stop fun. (Plus, my friend Brandon would have a heart attack “because you only get one day for your birthday.” What a buzz kill! 🙂 ) So when I do get to celebrate my one, very special day of birth I want to have my cake, but stay healthy too! This is the best present you can give yourself, right??

Here are 5 tips for a celebratory day without the guilt:

  1. Plan Ahead: Knowing that I was going to be doing a bit of celebrating come the end of the week, I have been packing healthy lunches every day and cooking in to prepare for a “splurge” evening. I brought a fruit as a midday snack so I don’t get to the restaurant feeling ravenous. Healthy eating takes some strategy and planning, but the end result is worth it!
  2. Be Food Smart: I checked the menu out at the restaurant I will be dining at and have my eye on a nice salad and halibut. Looking at the menu ahead of time reduces panic order syndrome and you will be less likely to peruse the menu for a different less healthy option. Prepare yourself to forego the table snack. Usually this will involve chips or bread, but skipping the dinner teaser can save you 100 to 300 calories. No need to eat before we eat!
  3. Strike a Balance: I am not going to sit here and tell you that I will only be eating a carrots and drinking water all night long. It is realistic to indulge when celebrating your birthday but, of course, portion control is key. A celebration can still be had sans 5-course meal and with some greens in site. A cocktail is welcome and water is too, so stay healthfully hydrated. To-go boxes are not a sin on birthdays!
  4. A Little Sweetness Goes a Long Way: A birthday without cake? Now that sounds like the other 364 days of the year! I don’t have a huge sweet tooth (remember my thoughts on chocolate?), but your birthday is one of those days that something in the dessert realm is a welcoming thought. Treating yourself to a sugary fix doesn’t mean your healthy habits are doomed. Consider having a fruit sorbet, sharing one dessert with the table or enjoy a healthy homemade delight when you arrive back home. Whatever you choose to do, when you blow out your candles pat yourself on the back for your night of healthy choices!
  5. Get Up and Party: Lucky for me I live in a city where walking around is part of my day-to-day life, so a short trot to and from dinner is inevitable. But a little night dancing never hurts a party! Burn off the birthday calories with an after dinner walk, a little bit of Wii Fit with the family or a living room dance party. Birthdays are much more than eating and drinking. Get moving!

Whether you are turning 26 or 55 a birthday bash surrounded by laughter and loved ones is always in order, but it needn’t be at the expense of your healthy lifestyle.  So when your birthday comes along I hope it’s full of indulgence and spoils while also being wholesome and nutritious.

Let’s chat…when is your birthday and do your share it with someone famous? How did you or do you plan to make your birthday a healthy one?

By the way, are you loving my new banner image?! I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Birthday comic via


  1. Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALIA!!!! Hope your weekend is amazing! I’m with ya on spying on the menu online ahead of time — being vegetarian means I HAVE to or I risk eating something I’m not super excited about. Bahaha and in college we were always partying and dancing like it was SOMEONE’s birthday so we stayed fit! Loving your new header too! Was that a bday gift to yourself? hehe its awesome!

    • Talia

      Thanks lady! I plan to have lots of fun…love a Friday birthday! Don’t worry, I already spied the dessert menu too. Just a little peak for planning purposes of course! 🙂 Thanks for the banner compliments!

  2. Jana Hartley

    Happy Birthday! One perfect bite may be just enough to satisfy that tiny sweet tooth of yours (wish mine was tiny). Portion control is a life saver. Have a great weekend and a happy birthday!

    • Talia

      Thanks for the birthday wishes! I am a huge fan of sharing meals and desserts. It is a great way to have a few tastes of different things.

    • Talia

      Thank you very much Brittany! Birthdays are so fun especially with this awesome blogging community to share it with!

  3. Kristin

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a fabulous day that is filled with plenty of intense calorie burning from all the fun. Love you!

  4. Shannon

    You friend Brandon sounds mean! I’ll let you have everyday of the month! Happy birthday Talia!!!

  5. Ellen

    Happy birthday!
    I Share mine with Michael Jackson. As for health, as someone with a history of eating disorders, the healthiest way for me is to stop worrying about healthy and just enjoy…but dancing never hurts:)

  6. Sabrina at MyMiBoSo

    Oh my goodness, I’m so tardy here – so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY Talia!

    I can only imagine the fun – albeit HEALTHY fun! – you had this weekend!

    I hope it was an absolutely amazing one – and I love your tips as always (these are great for ANY celebration really).

    My favorite?

    “No need to eat before we eat!”

    Ha! Sounds crazy when you put it that way!