5 Household Beauty Essentials for Summer

Guest post by Hadley

Summer is definitely my favorite season for many reasons:  the beach, longer sunlight hours, barbeques, sundresses, iced coffees, pedicures… my list is endless.

But one thing I love most is my summer beauty essentials. I am definitely a beauty junkie and love dashing into CVS or Duane Reade to buy the newest shampoo or lipstick I have JUST read about in a magazine, but did you know you probably already have tons of beauty products lying around your house? These household items are great year round but especially for summer!

1. Olive Oil: This kitchen staple has multiple uses for your entire body.

  • Hair Conditioner: Run out of a shower staple? Beat two egg yolks and add 4 teaspoons of olive oil in. Massage the concoction into your hair BEFORE shampooing, leave the mix on for ten minutes and then wash your hair as usual. The results leave you with shiny and stronger hair!
  • Heals Dry Skin: Dry skin spots on your face from a peeling tan? Have no worries! Dab a small amount of olive oil directly to JUST the dry patch and it will instantly soften up the spot!
  • Lip Scrub: Burnt lips? You don’t need to run to Sephora to buy a costly lip scrub! Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of brown sugar (or white granulated sugar, but I prefer brown) in a bowl and then dab on lips and gently scrub. Tada! Smoother and more kissable lips (the sugary taste is a plus too!)

2. Hydrogen Peroxide: This first aid kit staple is a beauty essential too!

  • Swimmers Ear: If you’re a big swimmer in the summer but sometimes get water in your ear, tilt your head to the opposite side of the infected ear and then put a DROP of hydrogen peroxide in your ear, let it settle and wait for it to bubble (you’ll hear it).
  • Zap your Blemishes Overnight: Yes you heard me, overnight. Or during the day if that’s when your pimple appears. Just put some hydrogen peroxide onto your blemish 3 or 4 times a day and it will completely dry it out and kill the bacteria.

3. Baking Soda: It has more uses than an ingredient to your chocolate chip cookies.

  • Face Scrub:  Literally glowing skin! Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water, apply to your face in a circular motion and rinse! Tip: Limit to once or twice a week so you don’t over-exfoliate your skin!
  • Bug Bite/Bee Sting Aid: Got a horrible bug bite from last night’s BBQ? Apply directly to bite or rash to relieve irritation.
  • Removes Hair Residue: Add ½ teaspoon to your regular amount of daily shampoo to get rid of build-up and hair residue and return hair back to its natural shine!

4. Vaseline: This little miracle works magic and is a summer beauty must-have.

  • Relieve Summer Split Ends: Cracked, split ends? Add some Vaseline to hide those bad boys.
  • Lip Protectant: Always losing your Chap Stick and expensive glosses? Fear no more. Vaseline gives you that perfect shine and protective coverage you need.
  • Skin Hydrator: Vaseline is a long-lasting lubricant that can smooth your skin and protect you from summer’s heat.
  • Fancy up Your Feet: If you get dry, cracked heat in the summer months a little petroleum jelly is all you need. Before you go to bed put on a thin layer of Vaseline to the tops and bottoms of your feet and then wear your favorite socks. When you wake up in the morning you will be in awe of your baby soft feet!
  • Prevent Chafing while Running: Summer is a great time to participate in races. Before you cross the start line spread a thin layer of Vaseline to your vulnerable areas. It provides such relief on those long runs!

5. Baby Powder: You’ll use this stuff from the minute you were born and all summer long!

  • Dry Shampoo: This works best for blondes, but no matter what your hue this tips a keeper! Add a tiny bit of baby powder to the greasy areas of your scalp and brush out until there is no white showing in your hair. The powder will absorb the oil. This is great for your hair health because you are not supposed to wash your hair every day.
  • Powder Time for Heat Rash: A hot, sweaty summer can cause heat rash. Sprinkle a little baby powder wherever you chafe to keep your skin protected and smooth!
  • Keep the Ants Away: Okay this one’s not really for pampering, but there’s nothing pretty about annoying ants uninvited at your picnic. Add baby powder to the edge of your blanket and it should keep the ants at bay.

Do you have any health beauty secrets? Share them with us below!

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  1. Tamara

    Great tips!

    I especially love the one about baking soda and bug bites. My daughter seems to attract mosquitoes more than the rest of us and has a hard time sleeping when she’s itchy. None of the commercial anti-itch sprays or creams ever work. Trying this one for sure!

    And how about lemon juice?
    It’s a great facial astringent (dilute with water) and I used to use it as a teenager to lighten my hair in the summer!

  2. Hadley

    Thanks Tamara! I will definitely try the lemon juice for my face! If any one has any other tips please leave them in the comments section!!

  3. Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons

    I brush my teeth with peppermint baking soda =) love it! Also — unrefined coconut oil as a make-up remover and hand moisturizer. Beer to clean my scalp when it gets too weighed down with build-up from products. Hmm… I know there are a few others… ooh! green tea bags for stubborn underground blemishes! LOVE that one!

  4. Ellen

    Oooh, I was wondering what I was going to do with that bottle of hydrogen peroxide I had to buy to clean a spot where I had a mole removed! Sorry if that was tmi. But it’s good to know I could use it for pimples.
    I was hoping to drop the hint about baking soda for hair, but you covered that too. I love doing that though, it gets hair squeaky clean.
    As for everyday things I use for beauty, how about water? As dry-skinned person I like to just give my face a good splash in the morning and only use a cleanser at night.