96 Year Old Yoga Instructor Wows on America’s Got Talent

Tao Porchon-Lynch’s energy is so powerful, you catch a current of it just from her smile. The 96 year old’s audition was viewed on TV screens across the nation during this season’s premiere of America’s Got Talent, alongside her dance partner, 26 year old Vard Margaryan. Yes, no need to adjust your computer, you read that correctly. With a 70 year age difference, the two wowed the judges with their sassy salsa routine.

Aside from being, spry and light on her feet in her ballroom attire, Porchon-Lynch also holds the record in the Guinness Book of World Record’s as “The World’s Oldest Yoga Instructor” (she was actually awarded that when she was 93!). As a matter of fact, she is still actively teaching classes all across Westchester County, New York. She even has several books out, ranging from how to live a long and happy life to all the places in the world that yoga has taken her.

Porchon-Lynch  actually only started dancing a little under a decade ago, when she was 84, finally finding time for a passion she’s always had. With her life motto being, “There is nothing you cannot do,” she certainly practices what she preaches. She’s also had her hands in many other pots, saying that she’d dabbled in acting, modeling, and screenwriting in her earlier years. She still travels back and forth between India and New York to further her yoga knowledge. Are you inspired yet?

The judges gave a unanimous “Yes!”, that propelled Porchon-Lynch and Margaryan into the TV show’s next round. The pair received a well earned standing ovation, commanding the audience to their feet. From the stage, Porchon-Lynch’s timeless beauty and youthful spirit beamed as she soaked in the applause. We look forward to watching more routines by this lively pair, and cheering them on through the show!

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                                                        Is there anyone out there like Tao that inspires you?