Daily Bite Wellness Tip: House Cleaning For Exercise

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Cleaning your house can actually help you burn calories and get a good work out. Activities like raking the lawn, doing laundry, and scrubbing the floor (on your hands and knees) can use 250-350 calories. Cleaning is strenuous and if you are doing a lot of cleaning you can reach aerobic heart and breathing levels. If you take the stairs multiple times while cleaning you can burn an extra 15 to 45 calories, depending on how many times you take the stairs. Shoveling snow burns 415 calories, moving furniture burns 400 calories and mowing the lawn burns 325 calories. So, if you want to add more to your workout routine, try cleaning up!

How do you make cleaning more fun?

Photo Credit: Thinkstock


  1. Whitney @ To Live & Diet in L.A.

    I would never call it FUN, but cleaning the house can be very therapeutic. A couple times a week I just zone out and go into a cleaning frenzy. When I’m done, I’ve burned a bunch of calories, forgotten about anything that was stressing me out, AND I have a sparkling clean house. Win, win, win!!!