Crossbite Making You Conscious? Here’s How to Fix It with Clear Aligners

Crossbite teeth are one of the most common orthodontic issues amongst people today. It is caused due to various factors, such as prolonged thumb sucking, genetics, delay in tooth growth, etc. Moreover, did you know that there are five types of crossbites – a posterior crossbite, an anterior crossbite, bilateral crossbite, unilateral crossbite and a combination of posterior and anterior crossbite?

Having crossbite teeth often makes us conscious and may make us think twice before smiling or getting clicked. Moreover, crossbite teeth often lead to other problems, such as frequent headaches, pain in the jaw, trouble while speaking, wear and tear of teeth in the long run, etc. Therefore, one should go for a crossbite teeth treatment as soon as possible to avoid such problems in future.

What if we tell you that there is a super comfortable and aesthetic way to fix your crossbite teeth and get a celeb-like smile? Want to know what it is? Read along with this article and get to know everything about how to fix your crossbite teeth seamlessly.

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How do clear aligners fix your crossbite teeth?

Clear aligners are an advanced way of fixing your crossbite teeth and getting the celeb-like smile that you always wanted. Traditional metal braces often bruise your jaw and cheeks because they come with painful metal wires and brackets. On the other hand, clear aligners fix your crossbite teeth seamlessly without any pain or inconvenience. They fix your crossbite teeth by applying gentle pressure on your teeth and moving them to the required position. You should wear your clear aligners for at least 22 hours every day for best and faster results.

Let us now see a few benefits of clear aligners over traditional metal braces.

Advantages of clear aligners over traditional metal braces

Almost invisible to the naked eye

While traditional metal braces are quite visible to the naked eye, even from far, clear aligners, on the other hand, are hardly visible to the naked eye. With this, you won’t feel conscious or awkward.

Completely removable

Traditional metal braces are completely fixed to your teeth. This often causes trouble while brushing and flossing, further degrading your oral health and increasing the risk of various infections, plaque, cavities, bleeding gums, staining and discolouration of teeth, etc. Clear aligners, on the other hand, are completely removable. As a result, they do not create a hassle while brushing and flossing and also reduce the risk of such infections.

Fewer visits to the orthodontist

No one likes visiting their orthodontist again and again, right? With traditional metal braces, you will have to visit your orthodontist after every two to three weeks. On the other hand, you will have to visit your orthodontist every six to seven weeks with clear aligners.

Transforms your smile in half the time

While traditional metal braces take about eighteen to twenty-four months to fix your crossbite teeth, clear aligners do their job in about twelve to eighteen months.

You now know the advantages of choosing clear aligners to get the celeb-like smile you want. While it is imperative to fix your crossbite teeth ASAP, it is also important that you choose a trusted and leading lifestyle and healthcare brand, like toothsi. They offer the best smile makeover treatments at the comfort of your home, as their orthodontists are just a video call away. So, visit their official website and book an online video consultation today!